Friday, March 29, 2013

This Week in Sustainability: 03/22-03/29

So in our effort to stay relevant we have decided to pay more attention to the news.  It's important to understand what others are doing, and to see the whole picture as well as the details.  So without further ado, I present to you the Sustainabilty Club's first installment of what I hope to be a weekly publication.

This Week in Sustainability 

"Portland argues the definition of "Sustainable."

From: All Things Writing
This week's Portland Business Journal is taking a stab at symantix, as it debates what it really means to be "Sustainable."  As many logicians would tell you definition is key to correct debate, so I'm interested to see their outcome.  I have personally felt for a while now that the term has been overused and underexplained; or in  some cases abused for the sake of business or politics.  As Ecotrust President Astrid Scholz puts it, “You don’t have to care about ‘sustainability’ to use it,” she said. “You can attract dumb capital, so to speak, just by virtue of getting a financial return and getting it to do the right thing.”1  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Following nature's path: A brief introduction

Bio-mimicry is an innovative process inspired by nature to seek sustainable solutions to many of mother earth’s problems. It is a method of emulating natures design process by discovering the genetic  DNA code of mimicking its structure and design models. According to Janine Benyus, “bio-mimicry is the conscious emulation of life’s genius by taking the design principles and the genius of the natural world and learning something from it."

Friday, March 22, 2013

Career day at Jefferson Highschool

Yesterday the Sustainable Architecture club joined several colleges and universities at Jefferson High School to promote our college and give a little insight into what our class does and hopes to achieve. Our station provided High School students with "seed bombs" with the idea of making your environment a nicer place; while Isai's station provided knowledge about kinetic energy and it's different uses. Our two stations were recognized by Jefferson High, inviting us back for another event gathering approximately two months from now!
We seek to find more events like these and others to get the name of our Sustainability club out in the world. If you would like to be part of this our know of events, please let us know and your help will be greatly appreciated!
Written by Ernesto Aguilar
Edited by Ian Salamanca
Photos by Isabel Arroyo

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Something Sustainable this way comes

Yes, we are once again going to tip on the hard hat and buckle down this blog and give it the fine tuning it deserves.  Trimming the fat, alternating the fonts, a new color scheme and a (hopefully) better mobile version- oh and a redux twitter.

I'm doing this now, to make way for a new assistant Editor, and a couple contributors.  The idea being that we could start producing more content by having options.  There will be a competition for who gets the spot, so stay tuned to meet the deary eyed hopefuls!

Besides that we have been competing left and right, as well as teaching and learning; but I'll leave that post to the side until the dust chips settle.

Thanks for bearing with us.

Update: This blog can now be found at
Update: Follow us @SustainableARC
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